September 6, 2016

Avoiding bicycle injury claims

It’s easy for us to think about the injury claims that come with car accidents, but many forget that no matter how one decides to travel, there is always a risk. This means cars, boats, bicycles, and yes, even walking. The best method of maintaining your lifestyle is prevention, and riding a bicycle is one of the top activities that puts you in a vulnerable position. Therefore, it’s important that one always accounts for the amount of risk involved in their activities. Here are some tips to prevent any bicycle injury claims.

Wear a helmet

Most importantly, make sure you always wear a helmet. Helmet laws will vary from state to state, but wearing a helmet is essential to safety. You are being left exposed when you ride a bicycle, and head injuries can be life threatening. Helmets have saved countless lives, while not wearing one has cost many.

Make sure that it is level and even on your head, and not tilted to the front or back. If you’re not sure if your helmet is fitting you properly, click here for an extensive explanation.

Maintain your bike

Always check to make sure your bike is in proper condition before taking it out. Check the brakes, make sure that everything is moving properly, and that all attaching areas are secure. Malfunctions can otherwise be unpredictable, and cause accidents or injuries unexpectedly. Imagine a wheel being off kilter and not noticing until it veered you off course, or your brakes failing. Little issues can have a major impact when in the wrong situation.

Always be visible

A headlight can also make a big difference when biking at night. You should always wear and have reflective gear, but a headlight adds to the equation and makes you more visible. Visibility at night is low, and a person riding a bike is small compared to surrounding visual stimulation. Without reflectors and a headlight, you run the risk of not being seen by automobile drivers. Even in the daytime, it can be tough to spot bike riders. Automobile drivers need to not only be able to see you clearly, but to anticipate what you might do.  

Use signals

Make sure you learn the hand signals for safe bike riding. These hand signals are directional, and are designed to increase visibility and give automobile drivers an idea of your next move. If you want to ensure that you’re practicing safe bicycle riding practices, and prevent a call to your insurance claim lawyer, make sure you follow the above safety tips. If you do find yourself to be the victim of an accident while on your bicycle and thinking of pursuing a bicycle injury claim, contact our professional lawyers at Corless Barfield to discover what can be done for you.

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Florida Bicycle Laws: Staying Safe on the Road
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